The original title was going to be:
Configure an Ubuntu "Gateway" using two wireless devices and one server
But it was going to be long and boring. Ok, everything started because I have moved to a new location and I was not going to have internet in a long time nor willing to get a two year contract with a company again. So, connection from my supporting neighbor was provided, the only thing I had to do is to create an extension to his wireless AP. Easily enough I could had bought a WiFi extender, but no fun was going to be out of there and of course, if he would like to sniff what was going trough, well you know the history.
Fortunately I have this hardware ready to be set up:
VIA ARTiGO Pico-ITX Builder Kit A1000
Alfa AWUS036NH
WiDrive DX325
I could explain the network, but better seen graphically: