August 30, 2010

Corporate Identity Guidelines

Develop software productos for mobile platforms with creative tendencies, which simplify dairy activities and entertain people, with digital distribution as main goal.

Let know worldwide Mittra Software as a dynamic company which develops creative software.

August 29, 2010

Keys for successful iOS Apps

iPhone/iPod/iPad have combined different factors to become a succes in their respective markeds: beautiful design, enough hardware and aver all software that explotes all their potential. This is why Apple published time ago the keys to become a success in their app store:


Being realistic, the probably is hight to be on a path to failure, so get priorities straight forward and ensure to melt down these 7 ingredients in each app and get ready for app store success.

Also, every development must take count the following:

August 26, 2010

Promising Mobile future

Almost everyone who is involved in TI world, must know or have a Netbook, those small devices that were quite promising for ease computational requirements, being the most common example the Asus Eee line. Those mini laptops had its boom like 2 years ago, selling millions of pieces worldwide.

Nowadays, they are in danger of become just a good remember, due to the massive appearance of the Tablets. 2010 is the year of the iPad, within its huge display of 9.7", software background and Apple behind, has become this device such a success.

Well, other companies like Samsung, HP or Dell couldn't watch his selling numbers without asking for their cake piece, so they are working and developing same line tablets, with the first to show being the Samsung Galaxy Tab:

August 25, 2010

iOS App Store(s)

Every one can develop native or Web iOS applications just using Mac OS and SDK provided by Apple. For the native applications developed with Objective C the main exit is the iPhone/iPad application store, although there are other ways of distribution (ex. Cydia). 

About the App Store, certain rules apply, wich must complain with the rules of design published by Apple, such no duplication of iPhone/iPod/iPad functions embebed (ex. iPod app).

Mobile Friendly

I made just little adjustments to the template in order to visualise a little bit better with mobile browsers, I made a test with the iPhone 4 Simulator, iPod Touch 2G & Motorola Dext.

I will try better improvements to this, however I need to get more involved with the code of Blogger Template.

August 24, 2010

This will become the corporative icon, is it good??

Re: Mobile Blogger

On 24 August 2010 17:35, wrote:
It is quite funny that Blogger has an option to sent an email and then, that draft, could be published, so if being away and having just acces to the phone, then exists the possibility to post something. 

To enable this, just go to Blogger Settings -> Email & Mobile -> Posting Options -> Email Posting Address.

Mobile Statistics

At the time of this writing, the estimated world population is 6,864,300,000 people. Now about the numbers of mobile devices that have been deployed throughput the world is 4,600,000,000, making an approximately 67.7% of the human beings in the world. With these number we can conclude that this massive medium of communication has been penetrated (along with the internet) even faster than the Radio or Television.

This, among other factors, makes the mobile market such a great place to start a business.

August 23, 2010

Why Mobile Platforms?

Because right now they tend to become like desktop computers, especially those called Smart Phones (iPhone, Nexus One), and it is really funny to program for them, design a function and then watch it working on your hand.

Also studies says that in few more years everyone will be connected using a device, so would be great that most of people use applications developed my Mittra Software.

I will show the road map to start in this fantastic mobile world.

Mittra Software

Right now, I officially start the developing software to Mobile Platforms (mainly iOS & Android), as I form of applying the knowledge that I acquired during my school times.

Would you ask, why Mittra?? I was thinking about a company that I would like to start, suddenly I came up with the idea of a boat used for native people of Norway, so I thought that Mittra could be a name of one ship from ancient times.

Explaining software doesn't have much science...

And like any good programmer:

Hello blog!!