January 22, 2011

iOS 4.3 with multitouch gestures

Apple continues with the development of iOS, as well as the improving of the User Interface with interactions that changes the way of managing all the resources inside the device. iOS 4.3 can come up with many innovations, especially given the features that were released a few days ago, specifically something is calling enough attention, that is multitouch gestures.

Of course, this 4.3 has not been public released, nonetheless developers can take hands on with private releases so that Apple can have feedback about the intention to publish those new features. The multitouch gestures are activated using four or five fingers down to return to the main screen, left or right to switch between applications and a move up to show open applications. These gestures have been in the beta of 4.3 for iPad iOS, so the question was whether the iPhone would have this capability.

Here is a video of those running on the iPad:

The main problem of these gestures is that the iPhone screen is rather limited in size and, depending on how big are your fingers, four fingers do not fall very well on screen. Luckily those has not to be aligned so that the screen detects the four necessary pressure.

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